10 Most Nightmarish Horror Movie Monsters

8. Sadako - The Ring

Babadooks Film
Basara Pictures

The most horrifying thing to ever crawl out of a television set (James Corden's TV output notwithstanding), Sadako is the monster of The Ring; responsible for the cursed videotape at the centre of the plot.

This lanky, long-haired dead teenager is a popular Japanese horror trope (see also: The Grudge's Kayako), but has never been done as well as it is here. Even the 2002 remake struggled to replicate those same chills. The original, as is so often the case, remains the superior version.

The film does an excellent job of setting tone and atmosphere, but it reaches its peak when Sadako is finally revealed - slowly and deliberately crawling out of a TV set on all fours. The death of physical media may have made it harder for audiences to get on board with Kayako's game these days (how about getting her a Netflix deal?) but she remains one of horror cinema's most memorable monsters - no matter how hard we might try to forget her.


A film critic and professional writer of over ten years, Joel Harley has a deep and abiding love of all things horror, Batman and Nicolas Cage. He can be found writing online and in print, all over the Internet and in especially good bookstores.