10 Most Nightmarish Horror Movie Monsters

2. Pyramid Head - Silent Hill

Babadooks Film

One of the better video game adaptations of the early noughties, Silent Hill did a reasonably good job of recreating the atmosphere and imagery of the games. Horror purists may have baulked at the lack of scares and relatively restrained gore, but there's one thing the film did beyond reproach - Pyramid Head.

The iconic monster is given disappointingly little to do by directors Christophe Gans and M.J. Bassett, but his mere presence enough. That seven-foot tall frame. The giant knife. The bloody apron. The, uh, pyramid head.

Pyramid Head may have changed his appearance slightly for the big screen (the original design was allegedly too unwieldy for actor Roberto Campanella), but he remains a truly imposing figure - one of the great video game monsters made real.

Campanella returned for the film's sequel, Silent Hill: Revelation, where he got a fresh new backstory and a couple of gnarly action sequences. However one feels about the Silent Hill movies, there's no denying that Pyramid Head is the best thing about the Silent Hill movies.


A film critic and professional writer of over ten years, Joel Harley has a deep and abiding love of all things horror, Batman and Nicolas Cage. He can be found writing online and in print, all over the Internet and in especially good bookstores.