10 Most Notorious Star Wars Urban Legends

8. Harrison Ford Wanted Han Solo Killed Off Ages Ago Because He Was Boring

Star Wars Empire Strikes Back Wampa Attack
Twentieth Century Fox

While one version of this urban legend told the story of a Harrison Ford who had been begging to see Han Solo killed in the Star Wars universe since Return of the Jedi, the star actually wanted this smuggler dead before that.

Ford himself has since gone on record (via Conan) to confirm how he did feel Solo should have sacrificed himself for his pals in that last original trilogy movie, saying that moment could have added a little extra gravitas to the then final chapter of the saga.

But he also went out of his way to plead with Lucas to have him killed in the prior entry, too.

That's right, while filming The Empire Strikes Back, the mind behind the galaxy far, far away himself remembered (via Metro/Empire) Ford yelling "Kill me! Kill me! Kill me!" throughout the whole shoot.

Lucas simply couldn't murder his Solo, though, because he had "this love thing going on." So, he gave him the next best thing instead - that being "put you in a slab of concrete and ship you off to Mars", as Lucas put it.

And while another urban legend also had it that Ford wanted to force a Solo death just because he was bored of the figure, the actor eventually admitted (via EW/WikiOfNerds) that he just thought it was the best way to use his character, "not because I was tired of him or because he’s boring."

At least he finally got his wish in The Force Awakens, eh?


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...