10 Most Notorious Star Wars Urban Legends

7. Yoghurt Pots And Tennis Shoes Over Endor

Star Wars Empire Strikes Back Wampa Attack

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.... there was apparently a tennis shoe floating through space as the gripping Battle of Endor got underway in Episode VI - Return of the Jedi.

Said notorious urban legend of one of the silliest Easter eggs imaginable being present during this tense space battle was referenced by Industrial Light & Magic visual effects production supervisor Ken Ralston many moons ago.

According to Ralston, not only did he manage to sneak a tennis shoe into the background amidst all the chaos, he also found a way to throw a yoghurt pot into the spaceship fight, too.

And while the yoghurt container still doesn't appear to have been discovered just yet, there are some out there who claim to have finally spotted the flying trainer in the original 35mm version of the picture.

But why did Ralston decide to seemingly chuck these little hidden items into the conclusion of one of the most epic trilogies of all time?

Well, as he put it, "It’s like there’s all this stuff going on – and I thought, ‘Hey, it’d be fun.’ It was my way of just saying, ‘See what you can get away with?’"

Fair enough.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...