10 Most Notorious Star Wars Urban Legends

6. George Lucas Had The Whole Thing Mapped Out From The Start

Star Wars Empire Strikes Back Wampa Attack

Though some would have you believe George Lucas had his entire two Star Wars trilogies (and a further sequel trilogy) planned out from the very beginning, this particular urban legend simply is not true.

Lucas was just keeping his fingers crossed that his first Star Wars adventure connected enough with the audience that he was allowed to continue telling this space fantasy tale in additional sequels and an eventual trilogy.

And after that first film became a hit, he was mostly just making it up as he went along - something he'd later even seemingly admit (via Collider) in a letter to Lost showrunners Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse.

Luke and Leia going from smooching potential love interests to brother and sister, and Darth Vader being Anakin Skywalker all along despite there being no evidence of this before his draft of Episode V, are just a few of the examples of Lucas evidently just figuring a lot of this stuff out as he went.

Sure, he may have had dreams and a general idea of what future Star Wars stories could contain all those years ago, but Lucas having an entire nine-film story pretty much outlined and planned since day one is an untrue urban legend and nothing more.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...