10 Most Out Of Place Scenes In Star Wars History

8. Grogu Eats Some Eggs - The Mandalorian

Star Wars Return Of The Jedi Boba Fett

And keeping with Mando and friends, here's that time the world's most beloved little green legend took an unexpected dark detour early into the second season of The Mandalorian.

In the midst of attempting to aid a character known as "Frog Lady" get to an estuary moon by the name of Trask so her husband can fertilise her eggs, Din Djarin's seemingly innocent and eternally hungry sidekick opts to suddenly start chowing down on said unborn offspring.

Sure enough, many of the Mando fanatics out there were instantly conflicted over this harrowing turn of events, with the youngster obliviously munching away at the endangered species throughout. And while Lucasfilm creative art manager Phil Szostak would tweet out that "the Frog Lady's eggs are unfertilized, like the chicken eggs many of us enjoy", that still couldn't erase the disturbing visuals from many a galaxy far, far away fan's minds.

Luckily, Frog Lady would manage to get at least one of her eggs back home to be fertilised before Grogu devoured an entire race. But the sight of the Foundling feasting on the unhatched tykes still sticks out like a sore thumb for all the wrong and distressing reasons for many.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...