10 Most Out Of Place Scenes In Star Wars History

7. George Lucas' Not So Subtle CGI - A New Hope

Star Wars Return Of The Jedi Boba Fett

With technology coming on heaps and bounds in the years since George Lucas' first trip into hyperspace back in the late '70s, you could hardly blame the cutting edge director for wanting to bring his Original Trilogy up to speed with the rest of world upon revisiting the much-loved first trio of Star Wars flicks.

However, what could've acted as a tool to digitally refresh the series for generations to come has ultimately only succeeded in bizarrely dating that OG set of flicks. Needlessly dumping clunky CGI beasties into the background of Mos Eisley and other aspects of Tatooine throughout the new and improved editions of A New Hope, for example, does the film little favours and actually disconnects the scenes in question from the rest of the lived in world on-screen.

In particular, the addition of a cluster of Stormtrooper-boasting Dewbacks in these later editions of Tatooine feel like a behind-the-scenes CGI test that has somehow wiggled its way into a full blown Star Wars feature.

Lucas' intentions were innocent enough when trying to lace his new technological toy into his original masterpieces, but the end result left a lot to be desired.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...