10 Most Outlandish Ant-Man Rumours

2. Ant-Man's Captain America: Civil War Role

So, if Hank Pym really does end up supporting Iron Man and his Superhuman Registration Act, Scott Lang has to be involved somehow. Before the Spider-Man deal went down, there had been whispers of Ant-Man possibly taking his place in the story as a hero convinced by Tony Stark to unmask and share his secret identity with the world. However, reports since then have hinted at a very different direction for the character in Captain America: Civil War. Apparently, Scarlett Johansson's Black Widow will be imprisoned at some point during that movie, and it will be Ant-Man who uses his shrinking powers to rescue her. This makes a lot of sense, and with Spidey set to have only a very small role in the movie, Scott being the one to change sides by turning on Iron Man could work really well, setting him up as a member of the rumoured New Avengers who will be formed after this release in the process.

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.