10 Most Outlandish Avengers: Infinity War Rumours

5. Oh, And Spider-Man Will Be There Too

As excited as fans are to see his Marvel Cinematic Universe debut, it's been widely reported that Spider-Man's role in Civil War won't amount to much more than a simple cameo. However, with Kevin Feige recently confirming that Spidey is contracted to appear throughout Phase 3, those rumours about a major Infinity War role are all but confirmed. Marvel and Sony are apparently planning three or four Spider-Man movies which are set in high school, each one of which will depict a year in the wall-crawler's life. By the time Infinity War arrives, Peter Parker will have quite a bit of experience as a superhero, so him assembling to take on Thanos with his fellow heroes in 2018 makes perfect sense.

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.