10 Most Outlandish Suicide Squad Rumours

1. The Joker's Appearance

There's been a lot of speculation about The Joker's new look in Suicide Squad. David Ayer will obviously want to distance Jared Leto's take on the Clown Prince of Crime from that of Heath Ledger's memorable turn, and there really are any number of comic books he could turn to for inspiration. However, just like Batman v Superman is borrowing heavily from Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns, so too will The Joker's appearance apparently. It's been said that Leto is bulking up for the role and that The Joker will be seen working out in his cell while he's interrogated by Amanda Waller. His skin will also be bleached - rather than make-up - but there was talk of him being scarred, so perhaps his "smile" won't be that different from Ledger's. This muscular Joker is obviously a nod to The Dark Knight Returns as he was portrayed as a physical threat to Batman there; an interesting new dynamic. Are you excited for Suicide Squad? Share your thoughts below in the comments thread.

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.