10 Most Overrated Movies On IMDb's Top 250

2. The Green Mile (#30)

Coco Pixar
Warner Bros.

Another film that won over audiences with an optimistic tone and a tearjerker scene. Do the points even need to be re-stated? Directed by Frank Darabont, who also made the #1 film on this list (consider that your only spoiler), The Green Mile is another film that takes far too long to make a very simple message: that we need to be good even if other people are cruel. Cute message, but haven’t we seen it elsewhere before?

Even My Little Pony has done this in a reasonable span of time, and not in a 3 hour slog that repeats itself over and over.

On top of this, the film revolves around the premise of a mentally disabled man that has a sort of superpower that allows him to heal people. They literally made “friendship” into “magic”. This has got to be a pitch for an R-rated My Little Pony film, right? It’s achingly sentimental and nothing more - most of the movie is set in a bland prison set, and the film rarely ever strays beyond the morality of “healers good murderers bad”.

It’s stunning that it got as high praise as it did - it was even nominated for Best Picture. Give this film another go with a cynical eye and you’ll start to see why it’s so overrated.


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