10 Most Overrated Movies On IMDb's Top 250

3. Interstellar (#31)

Coco Pixar
Warner Bros. Pictures

Controversy abounds - another Chris Nolan film made the list. Interstellar is maybe the single most overhyped film of recent years, carried only by its stunning visual effects and amazing soundtrack. The rest of the film is a lame attempt at being the next 2001: A Space Odyssey, and it simply doesn’t work.

While 2001 is noted for its pacing akin to watching paint dry, Interstellar does at least keep the plot and characters moving - even if that means every character is spouting ridiculous science jargon every two seconds or just looking sad.

And that’s a bigger problem that you might think. Remember - these are trained astrophysicists, yet they all need to methodically explain to each other how black holes work. 2001 respects the intelligence of its viewers, explaining very little in dialogue and letting the visuals tell the story.

And while it is definitely extremely slow, it’s also quiet, letting you take in what happens and think about it, coming to your own conclusions. Interstellar, meanwhile, tells you how to think, completely defeating the goal of this supposedly ‘intellectual’ blockbuster.

Instead, it tries to win you over with an emotional core, but not enough development is given to any of the characters to make it resonate. Sure, the video tapes scene is difficult to watch, and well-acted by McConaughey, but does it mean anything beyond “he regrets leaving”? Does it contribute to the ‘intellectual’ themes the film posits?

The more questions you ask about Interstellar, the more it falls apart at the seams, making for a spectacle with no substance.


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