10 Most Overrated Sci-Fi Movies Ever Made

1. Interstellar (2014)

Avatar Sam Worthington
Warner Bros. Pictures

Blockbuster auteur Christopher Nolan have often come with their minority share of detractors, but there's no denying that his widescreen visions have enthralled critics and audiences to impressively consistent effect for the best part of two decades now, from Dunkirk to Inception to The Dark Knight Trilogy.

If there's a lone blight on this run of copper-bottomed popcorn spectacles though, it's the ambitious time-and-space-flaunting Interstellar, a film that - like Blade Runner 2049 would do in its wake - becomes unfortunately preoccupied with its sense of grandiosity the further it delves into the particularly human story at its centre.

It's the director at his most esoteric - and his most frustrating to boot, crafting a sci-fi work that while undoubtedly satisfying up to a point, proves too portentous to truly click up into a higher gear. He's coaxed out another raft of awards-worthy performances here, who mostly bring their A-game - but despite its striking eye for visual panache, its disparate plot strands come together with a clunk and a thunk more than anything else, in sharp contrast to the smoother cohesion offered in several of his other works. It's by no means a bad movie - but it's surely his weakest effort of the past decade.

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Something of a culture vulture, Mr Steel can historically be found in three places; the local cinema, the local stadium or the local chip shop. He is an avowed fan of franchise films, amateur cricket and power-chords.