10 Most Painful Looking Deaths In Slasher Movies

1. Pretty Much Everyone - Intruder

terrifier art the clown
Empire Pictures

It's crazy how Scott Spielgel's Intruder failed to make a splash at the box office. Considering it stars Bruce Campbell, Ted Raimi, and Sam Raimi, you'd expect Evil Dead fans would've checked it out.

It's a shame Intruder is mostly forgotten, since every single kill is flawlessly shot and edited. Every death is slowly drawn out and accompanied with visceral squelching sound effects to really magnify the horror factor. When you watch Danny impaled through the eyeball, you can help shielding your eyes. When Bub's face gets mashed by a box crusher, you can't stop yourself audibly saying, "Ouch!"

However, nobody gets it worse than Dave. Using a pencil-thin meat slicer, the killer pushes Dave's face into the contraption, causing the blade to penetrate through his jaw until it comes out the other side, disconnected his scalp from the rest of his body.

Even though every death in Intruder looks painful, the actor portraying Dave, Billy Marthi, commits to this scene so unequivocally, it's hard not to watch. As he erratically flails his body while screeching like a child, you totally buy this man is having his face skewered by a meat cleaver.


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