10 Most Painful Looking Deaths In Slasher Movies

2. Sawed In Two - Terrifier

terrifier art the clown
Dread Central Presents

Horror fans can quickly get desensitised to the most appalling gore. If slashers are your jam, you can probably watch characters being decapitated, eaten, or dismembered without batting an eyelid.

But no matter how high your tolerance is for bloodshed, everyone feels queasy while watching a scene revolving around genitalia.

And if you've seen Terrifier, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about. In this low-budget indie, Tara and Dawn find themselves being pursued by a clown called Art. After the clown captures them, Tara wakes up and discovers she's been tied to a chair. As she looks up, she notices Art has stripped Dawn naked and tied her upside down.

Art then takes a hacksaw to Dawn's vagina and begins slicing through, forcing the blade downward with increasing ferocity. With Tara secured tightly to the chair, all she can do is watch helplessly as her friend is sawed in half while their captor giggles gleefully to himself.

Sadly, Dawn lives as long as humanly possible while the blade carves its way through her body, forcing her to experience every single second of unbridled agony.


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