10 Most Paused Deleted Scenes In Movie History

9. Donnie's Corpse - Donnie Darko

J Jonah Jameson Spider-Man
Newmarket Films

Donnie Darko's unforgettable closing sequence depicts the death of Donnie (Jake Gyllenhaal), who is killed when a jet engine falls through the roof of his house, seemingly crushing him to death.

However, neither the theatrical release nor the Director's Cut actually show Donnie's dead body, even though filmmaker Richard Kelly did shoot a brutal deleted scene showing Donnie's corpse impaled with a piece of metal from the jet engine.

It's absolutely horrifying, honestly, and so it's easy to appreciate why Kelly decided to cut it - if he included it in the middle of the climactic "Mad World" montage, it would've totally derailed the bittersweet mood the scene was going for.

Nevertheless, given that we only see Donnie's body being wheeled out of the house in a bodybag at the very end of the movie, the morbid curiosity factor - to see precisely how Donnie was killed - speaks for itself.

You might wish you hadn't seen it, though, considering how damn gnarly it is.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.