10 Most Paused Moments In Marvel Cinematic Universe Movies

7. The Infinity Gauntlet - Thor

Marvel Studios

Whether it was supposed to feature in the movie on a actual narrative level or not, one of the most paused moments in Thor also doubles as one of the most important easter eggs ever contained within the frames of a MCU film. Because the MCU is moving towards the Infinity War, of course, and several Infinity Stones have played a major part in the canon thus far.

People went pause-crazy when they realised that if they freeze-framed Thor at exactly the right time, the Infinity Gauntlet - that is, the item that big bad Thanos needs in order to take over and/or destroy the galaxy - can be glimpsed in the hallways of Asgard. Just perched there in plain sight alongside a bunch of other priceless artifacts. Back in 2011, this little inclusion blew minds - especially for those with Blu-ray copies.


Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.