10 Most Paused Moments In Quentin Tarantino Movies

1. A Smashing Take - Django Unchained

Lucy Liu
The Weinstein Company

Speaking of smashing Tarantino takes that have unquestionably been stopped by the masses at one point or another, is there a more famous sequence of intense and mesmerising improvisation out there than the sight of Leonardo DiCaprio fully embracing his bloody c*ck-up mid-scene?

After slamming his hand down hard on the table "countless times" during the shooting of his compelling monologue as Calvin J. Candie to the likes of Jamie Fox's Django Freeman and Christoph Waltz's Dr. King Schultz, one particular take saw DiCaprio move his hand ever so slightly in the wrong direction and collide with a crystal glass during his roar.

Instead of halting the menacing dialogue and unsettling take, though, the actor continued on with a split-open hand - that eventually required stitches - until the shot was in the can. And an eruption of applause soon met the dedicated performer's efforts.

Trying to catch the exact moment DiCaprio realises his hand is leaking for realsies is a joyous pausing game in itself. But the moment Candie opts to smear his blood all over the face of Kerry Washington's Broomhilda von Shaft has also doubtlessly led to a great many alarmed pauses of the surreal sequence, too, with folks trying to figure out if that was still DiCaprio's own legit red liquid being wiped into the mix.

It wasn't, of course, with it later being confirmed that said blood was fake at that point. But that still takes nothing away from a wholly alarming big-screen turn-of-events.

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