10 Most Polarising Films Of The Decade (So Far)

7. Ghostbusters (2016)

Prometheus Michael Fassbender

In the Ghostbusters reboot we have a movie which polarised fans into two rabid camps long before it made it into cinemas.

Paul Feig's female-fronted spook-fest was either hailed as a win for gender inclusiveness, or dismissed as the most offensive thing since Frankie Boyle's standup debut.

Both sides lost their minds over the film's very existence. Some were disgusted that Feig resisted the temptation to make a modern sequel to the beloved originals, while others hailed his decision to go all-female as bold and daring.

Strangely enough, the debate actually died down somewhat when the movie finally arrived, but it continued to polarise from a critical standpoint. It was either funny, fresh and original, or a crass, black mark on the Ghostbuster brand.

Many years later, when the zeal has finally extinguished, perhaps both camps will admit that the 2016 Ghostbuster was simply 'okay'.

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