10 Most Powerful Avengers We're Yet To See In The MCU

3. The Sentry

The Sentry
Marvel Comics

Marvel’s forgotten man has the power of a thousand exploding suns. He’s basically Marvel’s Superman analogue, with a large dash of Alan Moore’s Marvel/Miracle Man. The “Golden Guardian of Good” is so powerful that he, and everyone else, had to have their memories wiped to forget all about his very existence. Such is his capacity for destruction, as well as heroism.

He was also inserted into the history of Marvel comics in a fascinatingly meta way.

The Sentry was introduced to comics fans as a forgotten Stan Lee creation from the Sixties. Meanwhile, his titular miniseries saw him take his place alongside various Marvel heroes during key moments in their history. Such as the marriage of Sue Storm and Reed Richards, where he had apparently been best man.

All of which which makes you salivate at the thought of what could be done in with the character on our cinema screens. Imagine flashing back to scenes from earlier movies and seeing that this, “new,” hero was along for the ride all along...


Chris Chopping is a writer, YouTuber and stand up comedian. Check out his channel at YouTube.com/c/chrischopping. His dream job would be wrestling Manager and he’s long since stopped reading the comments section.... Follow him @MrChrisChopping on Twitter.