10 Most Powerful (Fictional) Women Of 2015
6. Thor
Although everyone knows Thor as the six foot plus, muscle-bound male god and superhero from the comics, Marvel have recently completely reinvented the character. When Thor lost his ability to wield his hammer in 2014, it was quickly taken up again by an unknown, female character.
Of course, Thor initially tried to reclaim his weapon and identity, only to quickly realize that his female replacement was doing too good a job as he ever did as the God of Thunder.
The true identity of the new Thor remained a mystery for several months, before being revealed earlier this year as Thor's former love interest, and long term supporting character, Jane Foster. This was particularly surprising as Jane was last seen dying of an incurable cancer.
The character's transformation into the new Goddess of Thunder still leaves many questions unanswered, but reflects a significant shift not only in comic books, but in fiction in general; women don't need men to save them. And, given the chance, they'll do a better job at saving the world, anyway.