10 Most Powerful Sci-Fi Movie Villains

2. Thanos - The MCU

The Terminator
Marvel Studios

An alien warlord with a ruthless worldview makes for the MCU's biggest threat to date. A conqueror of worlds and civilisations, Thanos has collected a variety of armies and forces, not to mention a selection of specifically trained killers he calls his 'children'. Thanos' galactic reach is extensive, and his reputation is that of a merciless tyrant.

Responsible for wiping out an exact half of all life in the known universe thanks to his acquisition of the Infinity Stones, these powerful stones are not the only way for the Mad Titan to cause destruction. A skilled fighter in his own right - even without the Infinity Gauntlet - Thanos proves more than a worthy match for Earth's Mightiest Heroes.

Thanos had a strangle hold on the rest of the universe, and was unmatched even before he wiped out half of all life. A philosophical character, this someone who is very much the hero of his own story as he feels he is reinstating balance in the galaxy. His capabilities as a leader and his lack of remorse for those he has murdered make him a formidable force.


Opinionated pop-culture commentator who aspires to be a writer so people can opinionatedly comment on the pop-culture I put out.