10 Most Powerful Weapons In Star Wars

7. Seismic Tank

Slave I Seismic Charges

In intergalactic war times, tools for work can soon find themselves being adapted into brutal killing machines. If you need an example of this, look no further than the seismic tanks used by the Separatists during the early 2000s original Clone Wars animated series.

Yes, it may not be strictly canon anymore, but this heavy hitter is too impressive to leave unmentioned.

This immense vehicle was originally designed as a mining vehicle, using its massive piston to rip up a planet's surface in order to reveal valuable minerals. However, as the Clone Wars unfolded, these destructive mining crafts were soon rolled out against the Republic on various planets.

The most memorable use of the seismic tank came during the Battle of Dantooine. As clones and super battle droids blasted each other on an open landscape, the frightening vehicle crept onto the battlefield before slamming its powerful driver into the ground. The subsequent waves created by the vehicle's blasts and its initial impact soon defeated the clones (along with a number of droids), before Master Mace Windu put an end to its havoc, ripping it apart from the inside with his lightsaber.

For a brief spell, though, this former mining craft looked like an obstacle even one of the most powerful Jedi in the game would struggle to get the better of.

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