10 Most Powerful Weapons In Star Wars

6. Arc-Pulse Generator

Slave I Seismic Charges

Beskar is known in the Star Wars universe as one of the strongest alloys in all the galaxy. That's precisely why those native to Mandalore decided to use it to create near-impenetrable armour. Hell, this metal is so strong, it can repel a damn lightsaber!

So, it'd likely take something pretty powerful to get the better of such a material. And that's precisely what was created by Sabine Wren whilst she was training in the Imperial Academy on Mandalore. However, once Wren realised that the Empire had already tested the Arc-Pulse Generator on her kind, and had bigger plans for the superweapon, she went out of her way to destroy it, and eventually joined up with Hera Syndulla and Kanan Jarrus in their fight against the Empire.

However, the Empire would ultimately find a way to salvage the device, fiendishly given the nickname of 'The Duchess' after late pacifist Duchess Satine Kryze, and barbarically used it on Clan Wren during the Mandalorian Civil War seen in Star Wars Rebels.

After seeing the weapon she created specifically superheat beskar armour and vaporise anyone unfortunate enough to be sitting in the alloy at the time, Wren then brilliantly found a way to adjust it to target stormtrooper armour instead. It took a Darksaber slice to the device's core to destroy it once and for all, but not before its frightening potential was unleashed on a number of unfortunate occasions.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...