10 Most Precocious Kids In Movies

6. Lisa Simpson (The Simpsons Movie)

the simpsons movie Over 500 episodes-and counting- we've seen the perennial second-grader prove herself to be Springfield's sole voice of reason. Eco-warrior, political activist, feminist, vegetarian, Buddhist, member of both PETA and Mensa...Lisa has certainly packed a lot into her eight (or twenty-four,depending on how you look at it) years. And so when the family made the inevitable transition to the big screen in 2007, we anticipated more of the same. After all, when Ned Flanders once asked Homer, ''How do you silence that little voice that says 'think' ?'', he replied ''You mean Lisa?'' We first see Lisa as she goes door to door, spreading the message of environmentalism. Of course, this falls on deaf ears. And so she takes her well-intended meddling to a higher level (literally; she's aboard a cherry-picker), stirring a packed town hall with her presentation on climate change entitled 'An Irritating Truth'. You can't fault her enthusiasm but we, and Lisa, know that Springfield is a town reluctant to change. Yet still she persists, forever undeterred by the uninterested, the naysayers, the hoi polloi. There's no doubt that Lisa is too smart for her own good (many an episode has focused on her concern that her intelligence has jeopardised her social life) but everyone knows that she's the do-gooder they don't deserve.
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Yorkshireman (hence the surname). Often spotted sacrificing sleep and sanity for the annual Leeds International Film Festival. For a sample of (fairly) recent film reviews, please visit whatsnottoblog.wordpress.com.