10 Most Rewatchable Movies Of 2014

7. Edge Of Tomorrow

One of the most recent tragedies to befall the cinematic medium was the relative failure - at least, financially - of Tom Cruise vehicle Edge of Tomorrow, which has since been rebranded under the title "Live. Die. Repeat," presumably because somebody at the top of the food chain blames the lack of box office takings on the name they gave movie originally (whatever). And yet Edge of Tomorrow was probably the best and most enjoyable blockbuster flick of 2014; a relentlessly entertaining sci-fi Groundhog Day, with Tom Cruise - believe it or not - at the top of his game. It's the sort of film that invites you to revisit it on account of its enjoyment factor - watching Cruise's cowardly soldier take on the same battle, over and over again, progressing a little more each time, makes for seriously compulsive viewing. Especially since it's all done with a sense of humour. The film's ending is its only weak point: the pace slackens and kills some of the fun of the first two thirds of the movie. But it's not enough to derail this modern sci-fi classic, which ensures that it's just as thrilling to watch the first time round as it is the tenth. Really.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.