10 Most Rewatchable Movies Of 2014

8. Guardians Of The Galaxy

It's true that so many of the movies in the Marvel Cinematic Universe beg to be watched over and over again. It's not, exactly, that they have all that much to say, but on thrill-factor alone... well, in today's market of excessive and overtly dumb blockbusters, they're something of an inspired revelation. And one cannot deny that their inherent desire to be a bit silly makes them brilliantly accessible, whichever way you look at it; MCU flicks seem to draw you in from the very moment you glimpse a single scene (by accident, even), near-on forcing you to stop whatever it is you're doing to watch. Guardians of the Galaxy, then, the latest movie in then MCU canon, might well stand as the most innately rewatchable installment to date. Aside from being rather dense (in a good way - there are loads of Easter Eggs to discover if you're willing to go back and make use of the pause button), James Gunn's sci-fi blockbuster is engrossing and entertaining in abundance; every scene has something to offer up, ensuring that - once you've laid eyes on it - you'll find yourself stuck in its vice grip until the last scene. Also: Chris Pratt.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.