10 Most Rewatchable Movies Of 2014

5. Whiplash

"Not an inch of fat." One of the most prevalent compliments that the critics paid to Whiplash seemed to hone in on its relentlessly tight structure; there's not a scene in the movie that lags, nor a beat which feels out of place. Simply put, Whiplash is one of those rare motion pictures that captures your attention for each and every one of its seconds - an incredibly difficult achievement, and one to be recognised with awe. Whiplash, of course, tells the story of one Andrew Neyman, a dedicated drummer who finds himself embroiled in an epic battle with a tyrannical music teacher played by J.K. Simmons. Having been described as a sort of "jazz school Full Metal Jacket," Whiplash stands as one of the most plainly immersive movies in recent memory. And you don't even have to like jazz or drumming to like it. It's the sort of movie that, walking out of the theatre, you can't stop thinking about. Which sort of begs the question: is it okay to watch it again, and so soon? The answer (as you probably guessed) is a resounding "yes - do it!" Whiplash - like great jazz - retains all of its power across multiple viewings.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.