10 Most Rewatchable Movies Of 2014

4. The LEGO Movie

The mantra essential to The LEGO Movie is "everything is awesome," which assures its place on this list as a movie that pretty much defines rewatchability, for kids and adults alike. The surprise, of course, was that The LEGO Movie was any good at all; everything about it pointed to its standing as a feature-length advertisement masquerading as a "children's film." Instead, it exploded into theatres everywhere as a testament to the power of the imagination - a movie that managed to defy its position as a slice of capitalist propaganda to be something more; something epic; something awesome. So here's a movie so crammed with jokes, visual delights, meta-references and inside gags that it's genuinely impossible to enjoy everything that it has to offer in one sitting. In fact, it's something akin to a cinematic crime to just watch The LEGO Movie once and be done with it. You owe it to your inner child (and your children, if you have any) to go back and truly experience everything that it has to offer.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.