10 Most Rewatchable Movies Of The Last 10 Years

3. Her

Mad max Fury Road Tom Hardy
Annapurna Pictures

Her is one of the best modern cinematic examinations of contemporary relationships. The plot sounds a little like something straight out of Black Mirror, set in the future where phone operating systems have developed to a level of independent consciousness. Joaquin Phoenix gives a fantastically real performance as a man who falls in love with his phone operating system, voiced in an incredible performance by Scarlett Johansson.

In fact it’s these performances that really make the film worth multiple viewings. Be it your first, second or tenth dip into the futuristic world, the grounded emotion and drama never fail to deliver an affecting and powerful cinematic experience. It’s a charming and honest movie worth watching over and over again, and also living proof there will always be room in Hollywood for original stories to be told.


Writer, editor and presenter for WhatCulture, also a resident musician at NU. I know I'm not as funny as I think I am, please stop pointing it out...