10 Most Ridiculous Pieces Of Product Placement In 2014 Films

2. Everything In Transformers: Age of Extinction...

Of course, TMNT is nothing compared to what happens when Bay is in the director's chair. The aforementioned 2015 Brandcameo Product Placement Awards gave the latest instalment in his inexplicably infinite Transformers series the gongs for both Achievement In Product Placement In A Single Film and Worst Product Placement, so he's doing something right... ...And wrong, simultaneously. The awards called Bay out specifically for a scene where Stanley Tucci's mad scientist character creates his own Transformer, which has the ability to turn into a Beats speaker. That he then holds in the frame, with a close up, for a good few seconds. Just so you don't miss it. There's another robot that turns into an Oreo vending machine. It's hard to find a single scene in Transformers: Age Of Extinction that's free of product placement. It's the movie equivalent of a NASCAR driver's uniform, in more ways than one. There are over fifty different brands who paid to appear in the film, with Bay getting in on the lucrative Chinese cinema dollar by including some Asian products to boot.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/