10 Most Ridiculous Uses Of CGI In Movie History

6. Brie Larson's Space Hair - Avengers: Endgame

Ghost rider cg
Marvel Studios

When fans first sat down to experience the epic culmination of 11 years worth of MCU film goodness known as Avengers: Endgame (2019), it's fair to say they were too focused on the time-travelling plot to worry about how certain scenes were put together or filmed.

Even upon multiple viewings, specific pieces of digital wizardry went completely unnoticed by a large number of fans in the cinema.

For example, nobody batted an eyelid when Captain Marvel (Brie Larson) was seen floating around in space early on in the feature as the team honed in on the menacing Thanos. Yet, once the film was released digitally later down the line, this very moment was revealed to have been unexpectedly brought to life with the help of some sneaky CGI.

As Carol Danvers was hovering in the vacuum of space, her hair needed to float. So, to achieve this look, Larson was required to wear a cap which held her real hair down and her wavy locks were then digitally added in post-production.

Despite the effect working a treat in the finished article, many fans felt like the decision to create entirely digital hair for such a brief moment (when Larson's own locks could have surely been manipulated in some way?) was a largely unnecessary exercise.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...