10 Most Ridiculous Weapons Used In Action Movies
1. A Slinky - Tango & Cash
At least with the other entries on this list, you can safely say that they ARE weapons, made with the express purpose of doing harm, despite any absurd asterisks attached to them.
And then Stallone threw a children's toy at a man's head.
The movie Tango and Cash was an otherwise unremarkable buddy cop movie, slightly elevated by a genuinely creepy villain and an electric performance by Sly Stallone. But there is one scene, very short but it is very notable, that sticks in people's minds.
It's a rather simple joke, involving a guy nicknamed Slinky getting incapacitated via a slinky. It's thrown at him by Stallone, with enough force to rip clean through the newspaper he was reading before hitting him square in the face.
Now granted, this was not technically an "action" scene, per say, but the fact that it's being thrown by 80's era Sylvester Stallone should count it as a weapon all on its own, on top of this flimsy toy being thrown with enough force to rip through several sheets of paper.
It is by far the most ridiculous item an action movie has implemented as a weapon to cause pain. Fear the slinky, mortals. Fear it.