1. Rocky & Apollo: Training - Rocky III
Montage Type: Training You might be shocked to discover that the original Rocky montage hasn't made it onto this list anywhere, and there's a great reason for that (please don't hit me): it's not ridiculous enough. Here I wanted to showcase and highlight those montages which excel as products of absurdity, and the original Rocky montage is pretty down to earth. Sure, it's iconic nowadays and it's been parodied to hell and back, but as a solo entity, it's plainly awesome and actually rather inspiring - nothing ridiculous about it. Rocky III's montage was not cut from the same horse (that's a phrase, isn't it) as the original. Given that it's contained within a sequel, sequel rules meant that this montage had to be much more "something" than the other ones. The director of this thing clearly wanted to out-montage the montages in the first two movies so he could be crowned Montage King and take his rightful place at the top of Montage Mountain. And so what if he throws a little bit of homoeroticism into the mix? It's the '80s, buddy - open your mind! So, yeah, this one pretty much has it all when it comes to both the ridiculous and awesome: a relentless power anthem, a master and an apprentice set-up, scenes on a beach, slow-motion intercuts, close-ups of the male groin, a singular shot of a woman supporting her man, the apprentice landing a surprise hit on his master, a few moments to show that these guys can have fun too, grown men hugging one another... it's the kind of montage that you'd create as a joke, had you not actually seen it in a movie somewhere. This movie. Rocky III. Like this article? Got any ridiculously awesome montages to add? Let us know in the comments section below.