10 Most Ridiculously Awesome Montages In Movie History

3. Push It To The Limit - Scarface

Montage Type: Rise To Power I don't know what happened when Brian De Palma was putting together the soundtrack for Scarface, but I think he must have been on a cocaine binge or something, because that's really the only way to explain the synth-heavy anthems that are scattered unapologetically throughout his '80s classic. Some people say that the soundtrack has dated the movie horribly, whereas others (like me) say that it only adds to the charm. Whatever you happen to think about it, it's freakin' nuts and we should all keep talking about it. The most famous scene in the movie (apart from the one where Al Pacino's Tony Montana takes on an army of goons at the film's climax) is probably best known as the ultimate "Rise To Power" montage. With "Push It To The Limit" playing over the top (a song so motivating that it's genuinely illegal not to feel motivated by it), we watch as Tony goes from regular schmuck to big man on campus. He achieves this by firstly laughing over the phone, and then he buys a tiger, which is supposed to show us that he's outta control. I think it's damn cool.
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All-round pop culture obsessive.