10 Most Satisfying Horror Movie Reveals

8. Freddy's Glove - Jason Goes To Hell: The Final Friday

Army of the Dead Martin Tiger
New Line Cinema

Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday is universally touted as the weakest entry in the Friday the 13th franchise, which is why it's ironic how well it starts. This appalling sequel kicks off with Jason Voorhees being blown to kingdom come before the opening credits have had a chance to finish.

Despite this killer prologue, things go downhill when the film turns into a body-hopping flick, with Jason possessing people in the form of a parasitic slug. By the time the physical form of Jason returns in the climax, it's not as thrilling as it should be since the unstoppable revenant has spent the last hour as a freaking snail.

However, the final moments of Jason Goes to Hell come close to redeeming the picture. After Jason is banished to Hell, the closing shot focuses on his hockey mask lying in the dirt. Suddenly, Freddy Krueger's clawed glove pops out and drags the mask underneath, while the dream demon lets out a maniacal cackle. 

It may have only lasted a few seconds, but this piece of fan-service was better executed than everything else in the film combined.

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