10 Most Satisfying Horror Movie Reveals

9. A Double Whammy For Martin - Army Of The Dead

Army of the Dead Martin Tiger

In heist movies, there tends to be one person who's just there to screw over their peers and mess up the entire operation. And the second Martin is introduced in Zack Snyder's Army of the Dead, there's no doubt he's up to no good. 

For Martin, he and his squad are tasked by an entrepreneur, Bly, to infiltrate his zombie-infested casino to retrieve his fortune. However, Martin acts so shifty throughout the mission, it's painfully obvious he has ulterior motives.

Soon after decapitating a specific zombie known as The Queen, Martin traps his teammates in a basement, where he reveals Bly hired him to retrieve the zombie head in the hopes of creating an undead army.

While Martin cockily strolls away with the bagged head, happy he's completed his goal, upon checking the bag he realises that his teammates where on to him and had swapped the head with a bill-counter. Just when it looks like things can't get any worse for Martin, a zombie tiger appears and makes its intentions unmistakably clear. Before Martin has a chance to flee, the undead jungle cat rips his head off.

Army of the Dead has plenty of great shots, but nothing is as pleasing as watching Martin's face when he realises he's about to be mauled to pieces.

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