10 Most Satisfying Horror Movie Reveals

3. Wrong Way - Day Of The Dead

Army of the Dead Martin Tiger
Dead Films Inc.

There are few characters in cinema more irredeemable, arrogant, and flat-out stupid as Captain Rhodes from Day of the Dead. 

Throughout George A. Romero's Dead sequel, this lunatic keeps endangering the other survivors, even while they're trying to resolve the zombie threat. Time and time again, Rhodes contradicts his team, threatens to abandon everyone, and holds his own men at gunpoint. When he starts taking away the group's weapons and sending them on suicide missions, it looks like the captain is going out of his way to sabotage everything.

However, watching Rhodes behaving like a jackass for two hours makes his demise remarkably rewarding. Deserting his men, he rushes down a corridor, hoping to escape from the zombie-riddled complex. After being shot at by an intelligent zombie named Bub, Rhodes is left badly wounded, though the deranged soldier manages to drag his body towards the exit, certain that salvation lies on the other side.

As Rhodes opens the door, he's greeted by dozens of flesh-eaters, their hands outstretched to grab him. Before he has a chance to escape, the horde rip him apart, stuffing their faces with his entrails. All Rhodes can do is cry out, "Choke on them!", before succumbing to his injuries.

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