10 Most Satisfying Horror Movie Reveals

2. A Different Kind of Face Off - The Silence Of The Lambs

Army of the Dead Martin Tiger
Orion Pictures

Hannibal Lecter may be a sick son of a bitch, but it's fascinating to watch the good doctor playing everyone like a fiddle. While he's handcuffed, incarcerated, and surrounded, there's never a moment where Anthony Hopkins' character isn't holding all the cards.

Nothing demonstrates Hannibal's tenacity better than his climactic escape in The Silence of the Lambs. While inside a makeshift cell, the cannibalistic maniac removes his handcuffs with a hidden key before viciously attacking the guards. When the police arrive, they find one of the guards is barely alive, and after the guard is placed in an ambulance, Hannibal's corpse is found on top of an elevator.

At first, it's disappointing to learn that Hannibal has kicked the bucket - he may have been a monster, but he was simply too compelling to kill off in such an abrupt manner - but it has already been established the Chianti-loving psychiatrist is too smart to be done in so easily. 

While the ambulance makes its way to the hospital, the injured guard suddenly stands and pulls his "face" off, revealing he is Hannibal.

It may be a revolting way to escape, but it's impossible to argue with the results.

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