10 Most Satisfying Horror Movie Villain Deaths

5. The Shark - Jaws

Get Out
Universal Pictures

The first entry on this list that stands firmly by the age old adage of 'less is more' and never has there been less of a villain seen than in Jaws.

Now, as most of us know, the reason we don't see the shark right up till the end is...well, because it looked crap. Seriously, Google an image of what that shark looked like outside of the film and it is nowhere near as intimidating as it is during screen time.

There are a lot of pieces that work in conjunction to make Jaws such a terrifying experience and to make the final confrontation with the shark so satisfying. First off, the endless amount of fake outs until the inevitable attack. Secondly, that damn music, you guys! And now it's stuck in your head. Also, there's a horrible scene with a shark cage, screw that.

However, the reason that the shark's death is so immensely satisfying is incredibly simple and it's this: dude... sharks suck, you guys. Sharks suck so hard. Now, we know all the statistics about how low shark attacks actually are and all that nonsense about vending machines and so forth. But, come on, try and tell us that a potential shark attack doesn't still terrify you. And try and tell us that it isn't kind of cool to watch a shark get blown up.

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Johnny sat by the fire, idly swirling his brandy, flicking through the pages of War and Peace, wondering whether it was pretentious to write his bio in the third person.