10 Most Satisfying Moments In Avengers: Endgame

5. Iron Man's Final Stand

Thanos Hulk
Marvel Studios

Iron Man is possibly the most ‘world-weary’ character in the MCU. He’s borne the anxieties of carrying the world on his shoulders for far too long. He swipes the stones from Thanos, who claims that he is inevitable. In response, Tony retorts, ‘And I am Iron Man,’ before snapping his fingers and decimating Thanos' armies. Of course, the catch is that wielding the stones will surely kill him. Despite the immense sadness of this moment, there's also a lot of satisfaction that can be taken from the way Iron Man meets his end.

As he mentioned in Infinity War, Thanos has been on his mind for the past six years. Thanos is Iron Man's curse, and the fact that Iron Man was finally able to dispel the source of his anxiety is tremendously satisfying. Not to mention the fact that it brings the MCU to a full circle, with Iron Man ending the story with the same words with which it began.

Of course, it would have been lovely to see Iron Man retire with his family, but this was a pipe dream. Iron Man had to be the one to defeat the villain, particularly because Thanos has haunted his mind since Avengers Assemble. It wouldn't have been anywhere near as satisfying if anyone else had done it.


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