10 Most Satisfying Moments In Avengers: Endgame

6. Thanos' Death

Thanos Hulk
Marvel Studios

The Mad Titan had it coming. After all, he is responsible for the permanent deaths of two beloved Avengers, and the temporary deaths of 50% of the Universe. The guy is the universe’s biggest mass murderer and everyone wants to see him get his comeuppance. Thankfully he does, and it’s incredibly satisfying.

After Iron Man sneakily swipes the Infinity Stones from Thanos and performs a final ‘snap,’ Thanos watches in defeat as the entirety of his army fades to dust. When he’s the last one standing, he sits down heavily and waits for his own inevitable ‘dusting.’ We've been waiting an entire year for the moment the Avengers eliminate Thanos' as a threat, and it's done in a way that is deliciously ironic.

It serves you right, Thanos! Don’t mess with the Avengers!


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