10 Most Satisfying Moments In Avengers: Endgame

3. Spiderman And Iron Man Reunite

Thanos Hulk
Marvel Studios

When Spider-man crumbled into ashes at the end of Infinity War, our hearts were broken. We couldn’t wait for the moment that Peter would return, just so the scene where he clutches at Tony pleading that ‘he doesn’t want to go’ would bring a slightly smaller lump to our throats during repeat viewings.

Thankfully, and unsurprisingly Peter returns after Hulk performs the reverse snap and finds ‘Mr Stark’ on the battlefield, who looks at him dumbstruck as Peter talks excitedly about everything that’s just happened, only to be interrupted by a big hug from his mentor.

Peter Parker's 'death' obviously weighs very heavily on Tony's conscience, and it's one of his key motivations when he decides to help the Avengers conduct the time - heist. This moment is full of relief and fading guilt, not to mention it's a nice callback to a hilariously awkward moment in Spider-Man: Homecoming where Peter Parker mistakenly thought Tony Stark was giving him a hug.


Amy Cornforth hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.