10 Most Satisfying Moments In Avengers: Endgame

2. Hulk Reverses The Snap

Thanos Hulk
Marvel Studios

It’s the moment we’ve been waiting for. The moment where all the ‘snapped’ heroes returned into existence to carry on making a mountain of cash for Marvel Studios.

After successfully completing the time heist despite a number of hiccups, the six infinity stones are in the Avengers’ possession in a gauntlet which Iron Man has constructed. Being the Avenger whose least likely to die performing the ‘snap,’ Hulk volunteers for the job. He brings all the missing heroes back into existence, and practically loses an arm in the process.

This moment is satisfying because we've spent the year in a state of limbo, knowing the characters will return at some point, but not knowing exactly how. The satisfaction of having the Marvel Cinematic Universe return to a relative state of equilibrium was huge. The relief of the moment is enough to bring massive smiles onto the faces of everyone in the audience.

It was like a breath of fresh air.


Amy Cornforth hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.