10 Most Shamefully Lazy Plot Resolutions In Movie History

5. God Helps Wrap Things Up - Raiders Of The Lost Ark (1981)

Paramount Pictures

Steven Spielberg's classic adventure film is one of the greatest actions movies ever made. Raiders tells the story of Indiana Jones' quest to discover the lost Ark of the Covenant - a biblical relic that possesses devastating destructive powers - before the Nazis can use it as a tool for world domination.

Despite Indy's best efforts both he and the Ark fall into the hands of the Nazi menace. When Jones is tied to a pole and made to watch the Nazis open the Ark to harness its awesome power the audience is left wondering what ingenuous plan Indy will devise to save himself and stop the Nazi threat. It turns out he lets God sort it out.

Once the Nazi€™s pop the Ark open demonic beings consume them in face-melting hellfire. The Ark seals itself and Indy is free to take it back to the states where it will be housed by the U.S. government. While this is a very good set piece, it really is a half-baked way for Indy to overcome his Nazi adversaries. It also takes away the onus on the hero to save the day; once the Nazis stole the Ark from Jones, he could have gone home, taken a load off and waited for God to resolve the plot without his help.


I'm YA writer who loves pulp and art house films. I admire films that try to do something interesting.