10 Most Shocking Body Discoveries In Horror Movies

8. Oculus - Kaylie's Stabbed In The Back

He Knows Youre Alone head in a tank
Warner Bros.

This 2013 offering from director Mike Flannagan, otherwise best known for films including Gerald’s Game and Hush, revolves around a family’s turmoil caused by a haunted mirror.

As children, siblings Tim and Kaylie see their parents driven insane and eventually killed by the mirror’s doings. Years later in adulthood, Kaylie uses her job in an auction house to get hold of the mirror once more and attempts to study its powers - only to end up sucked into its horrible game again with her brother as they were all that time ago.

The two devise a kill-switch of sorts, whereby on the action of a trigger a heavy weight will swing down from above and smash the mirror, destroying it once and for all. The pair are more under the mirror’s control than they know though, and as things culminate they find themselves both sucked into individual hallucinations, seeing younger versions of themselves.

As Tim awakens seemingly alone in the room with the mirror, he activates the switch and as planned the weight crashes down. Unfortunately, as a final act of savagery the mirror has tricked him once again: his sister was in fact standing in front of the mirror at the time, seeing her deceased mother in its reflection.

As the illusion breaks, it is revealed to Tim that by flicking the switch he has caused the contraption to slam into his sister’s neck, part breaking her neck and part impaling her.

He has caused her death just as he did the death of his father, and once again is dragged kicking and screaming from the house with his whole family gone - two thirds of the killings done by his hand.

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