10 Most Shocking Body Discoveries In Horror Movies

7. Midsommar - All Of Christian's Friends

He Knows Youre Alone head in a tank

Some reveals are great because they’re emotional or unexpected, or because they’re unintentionally hilarious or gory. Midsommar, however, offers a quality in its corpses that is weirdly artistic. They’re horrible and stomach-turning, but also so entrancing that you sort of can’t look away.

This is sort of a cheat entry because there are multiple reveals of bodies, as one by one we see each of Dani’s friend group shown in some horrible, mutilated conditions.

We’ve got ritual execution, we’ve got chopped up and used for compost, we’ve even got a guy skinned alive and made into a firewood scarecrow.

For the sake of picking one big reveal though, we of course have to look at the final scene as the corpses are placed into the temple that will then become a pyre.

Encased in the body of a bear and unable to move, everyone’s favourite terrible boyfriend, Christian, is finally ready to meet his maker. Not only this but he also gets to meet his friends and acquaintances in their new, deathly form.

It’s unnerving to say the least, but Midsommar made sure not to disappoint on a single reveal.

Honourable mention at this point also goes to the opening sequence's reveal of Dani's family. After hearing Christian insist again and again that everything will be fine, it is equal parts satisfying and soul-crushing to see Dani's fears realised in full disturbing detail.

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