10 Most Shocking Body Discoveries In Horror Movies

6. Halloween (1978) - All Of Laurie's Friends 

He Knows Youre Alone head in a tank
Aquarius Releasing

Back on the classics now we have 1978’s original Halloween. After a seemingly endless time passing in which our protagonist Laurie is completely unaware of what is going on just across the road from the house she is babysitting in, we were all but guaranteed a great payoff when she finally found out.

Venturing across the street after hearing her friend being strangled over the phone, Laurie enters an upstairs bedroom where she finds the bodies of her friends arranged around the place.

Accompanying their corpses is the headstone Michael earlier stole (that of his sister, Judith Myers), placed in the centre of the bed and looking strangely intact for a piece of carved rock that’s meant to be over a decade old.

With one body on the bed and two more stuffed in the cupboards, this scene gives you a bang for your buck in terms of body-count. Accompanied by that incessant high-pitch whine that then became a mark of early eighties horror, this big reveal delivered on plunging Laurie directly into this story.

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