10 Most Shocking Film Scenes Set On The London Underground

5. Train Crash - Skyfall (2012)

skyfall As a recent release I am assuming everyone reading this will be acquainted with the plot of the 23rd Bond film. The London underground acts as the setting for a game of €˜cat and mouse€™ between Bond (Daniel Craig) and the films antagonist Raoul Silva (Javier Bardem). The train crash was a moment highly publicised through Skyfall€™s trailers and one I was excited to witness in the cinema, I was not left disappointed. In a complex set piece Q is left to decrypt Raoul Silva€™s device which is highly sophisticated in its security. Once Q deciphers it, it is revealed that all along this has been a ploy, Silva is freed. Bond gives chase and the two finally come face to face below London€™s railway as Silva is ascending a ladder to the surface. Silva has a final ploy, he uses his radio as a detonator for a bomb in the ceiling. Bond is confused for he is uninjured and the blast was far from him, sarcastically he states, €œI hope that wasn€™t for me.€ Silva then attributes the explosion to the oncoming train, having created a hole beneath the track of the train essentially trying to use it as a battering ram against Bond. The protagonist is able to evade the descending tube train, though it allows Silva to escape. It is a fantastic set piece and if you were lucky enough to not have seen it before the film, you would have hopefully been pleasantly surprised and entertained. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=KXKHnkYVY_s
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I am an aspiring writer and film critic, recently graduated from the University of Exeter with a BA in Film Studies. I spend my free time developing my square eyes watching films and television, reading novels and playing football. You can contact me at sa.whittaker@hotmail.co.uk.