10 Most Shocking James Bond Movie Moments

9. Some Heads Are Gonna Roll

Bond He Disagreed 2
United Artists

One of the most memorable henchmen in the Bond films was Oddjob, Goldfinger’s Korean manservant. Silent except for the occasional grunt, and massively strong, Oddjob’s deadly weapon is his razor-brimmed bowler hat, which he uses in a scene early in the movie to decapitate a statue. By introducing the hazardous hat in such a dramatic manner, the film leaves viewers dreading its eventual use against a human target.

Later, those fears are realized when Bond and Tilly Masterson (sister of the girl Goldfinger had killed earlier in the movie) are fleeing into some woods outside Goldfinger’s compound. In a cringe-inducing instant, Oddjob takes off the hat and throws it at poor Tilly. Due to the shadows of the nighttime scene, the specific damage the bladed bowler does is mercilessly veiled, but it's hard not to think of the unfortunate piece of sculpture from a previous part of the film as poor Tilly meets her doom.

The scene is a brilliant piece of work that shows a devastating death without having to resort to actually showing the injuries caused by a brutal stroke from one of the most famous (or infamous) minions to work for the classic Bond villains.   


Aaron Smith is a writer who can't stick to one genre. He's written horror, mystery, fantasy, and espionage novels and short stories, including new tales of Sherlock Holmes. A lifelong fan of movies, comics, good books, obscure trivia, and the New York Yankees, he lives in northern New Jersey.